Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dear Blog,

I have been a bad blogger.  I realize I'm not doing too well with the whole concept of a blog having frequent and regular posts (or at least semi-frequent and semi-regular posts).  Even though I haven't written, I have been thinking of you.  In fact, I have the beginnings of several new posts saved as drafts, with just no time lately to adequately develop them with the time and consideration they deserve.  Some people say the blogosphere moves too quickly anyway, for genuine dialogue and sustained reflection, so consider this hiatus my way of slowing things down, in keeping with the anachronistic part of your title.  (On a side note, is it strange that Blogger's spell check doesn't recognize the word "blogosphere"?  Silly red squiggle.) 

Don't worry Anachronistic Inkling, I haven't forgotten about you.

In the meantime, here's a little outside reading in defense of Amazon's Kindle.  (For those detractors out there--you know who you are!)

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